
Scholarship Search Information


Unfortunately, we do not have any scholarship opportunities available for the combination you entered. This may be due to several requirements and restrictions, please find some additional information below.

  • Some scholarships require that you have studied or worked more than 12 months in the country you are applying from.
  • In this case please visit the DAAD website of your most recent home country.
  • Some scholarships for international students to study or research in Germany require that you have lived in Germany less than 1.5 years.
  • Scholarships may only be available for certain degrees or fields of study for your country.


To reach out to us directly for more information, please fill in the Contact Form.

    Consultation hours

    Tuesday: 10.00-12.00

    Thursday: 10.00-12.00

    Afternoon appointments are also possible. For afternoon appointments please contact:

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    The consultation at the DAAD Information Point is based on best knowledge and practice and is offered in good faith. The DAAD Information Point however, accepts no liability for the correctness of information.

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